Sunday, September 23, 2012

Six Sentence Sunday- Midnight Secrets

This is book two in my Desert Secret Series. Confessions is book one.

Her mouth formed into a sexy smile as she patted the bed next to her. He loved the itty bitty shorts she wore and the tight t-shirt hugging her curves. Even though the shape of her body made her a little uncomfortable, he had never seen a sexier woman in his life and if it took every day to convince her of that attraction, it would be worth it to him.

But first the secret.

He moved to her side, but leaned up on his elbow so he could look in her eyes. If she told him to go away, he would honor that request, even though it would be less painful if she ripped his heart out.

1 comment:

  1. but she told him to stay and moved into his embrace, putting her head on his chest. One of his hands took the back of her head and the other rested in the small of her back and pressed her flesh closer to him. As she listened to his heart and he carassed the soft fuzz on her lower back he began to pray for her. And the Spirit met them, taking them past the edge of Glory and into Heaven itself.
